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We look forward to gathering together at Temple and online for services. All High Holy Day services that are in the
Joyce & Dave Sakwa Sanctuary will be live streamed on our YouTube channel.
Family Services at West Bloomfield High School and Yom Kippur Meditation Services will not be live streamed.

ADULT SERVICE: Geared toward adults, but all are welcome.
eared toward first through sixth graders and their families.
CHILDREN'S PITZELEH: Geared toward newborns through kindergartners and their families.


Evening Service Wednesday, October 2 8:00 PM Watch the live stream here.
Morning Service Thursday, October 3 10:00 AM Watch the live stream here.
Family Service  Thursday, October 3 10:00 AM In person only.
Young Children's Pitzeleh Service Thursday, October 3 3:00 PM Watch the live stream here.

Yom Kippur

Kol Nidre Service Friday, October 11 8:00 PM Watch the live stream here.
Morning Service Saturday, October 12 10:00 AM Watch the live stream here.
Family Service Saturday, October 12 10:00 AM In person only.
The Rabbis' Tish Saturday, October 12 Following Morning Services Watch the live stream here.
Meditation Service Saturday, October 12 2:00 PM In person only.
Young Children's Pitzeleh Service Saturday, October 12 3:00 PM Watch the live stream here.
Afternoon, Memorial & Concluding Service Saturday, October 12 4:00 PM Watch the live stream here.

We look forward to welcoming in the new year with our Temple Shir Shalom family and friends.
Please take a moment to 
read the information below. If you have questions, please email or call the Temple office at (248) 737-8700.



High Holy Day tickets will be mailed the week of September 2nd to all members in good standing. There is no need to pre-register for services. You may attend any service you wish. Tickets are required for congregants and guests at all of our services. Tickets must be presented to the ticket checkers at each service and will be mailed to all congregant heads of household and children 13 to 18 years old. Children 12 years old and under do not need tickets. 
Please request guest tickets here.

Young Children's Pitzeleh Services

Newborns to kindergarten-age children and their families are invited to experience the fun and festivities of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at these age appropriate services. Tickets for our Pitzeleh Services are not needed; however, registration is required for those not members of Shir Shalom and can be completed here.

Book of Remembrance

A cherished tradition during Yom Kippur Memorial Services is the Book of Remembrance, recalling the names of family and friends who are no longer with us. This book has become a very meaningful part of Yom Kippur and is distributed during the afternoon Yizkor Services. We are no longer able to take submissions for this year's Book of Remembrance. 

High Holy Day Appeal

To submit a donation towards the High Holy Day Appeal, please click here or contact the Temple office at 248.737.8700.


We are glad to provide free childcare for children 2-1/2 to 11 years old at Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Services; Morning Services; and Afternoon, Memorial & Concluding Services. Space is limited and will be available by reservation only on a first come, first served basis. Childcare requests are due by September 25th. Register here.

Prayer Books

As of High Holy Days 5783, we have transitioned over to our new Machzor, Mishkan HaNefesh. Thanks to the estate of Jan Landsberg z"l, copies are available in our pews for everyone in attendance at our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. If you would like to purchase your own set of prayer books, click here.

Reciprocal Seating Request

Temple Shir Shalom members who will be traveling during the High Holy Days are welcomed to worship at fellow Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) congregations in North America. To request seating at another URJ congregation, click here.

View the service live here.

Sukkah Decorating & Family Fun 
October 16 - 5:30pm
Register here.

Young Adult Sukkah Decorating
October 16 - 8pm

Spirits Under the Sukkah
October 18 - 5:30pm (prior to service)
Register here.

Register here. View the service live here.

🕯️ Shimini Atzeret Yizkor Service 🕯️
October 24 - 10:30am
Join us in person or view the service live here.

Thu, October 3 2024 1 Tishrei 5785