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Our clergy are available to meet with you to support you through this difficult time.

Funerals & Jewish Traditions

Funeral Planning
Clergy are available to help families in planning funeral arrangements in coordination with one of our local funeral homes. Actual funeral arrangements are made through the funeral homes directly.

Temple Shir Shalom has a portion of the Beth El Memorial Park Cemetery in Livonia and at Clover Hill Park Cemetery in Birmingham dedicated to our members. To discuss purchasing a cemetery plot, please contact the individual cemeteries. 

Shiva Corps
Temple Shir Shalom has a group of volunteer leaders, our Shiva Corps, that lead shiva services following the funeral. These arrangements can be made with clergy and funeral homes. 

Our clergy are available for consultations regarding what to inscribe on the stone. It is necessary to contact the cemetery to confirm the stone's placement before arranging the unveiling date. While some families request the assistance of a Rabbi for the service, unveilings do not require Rabbinical officiating. We are happy to provide you with copies of an "Unveiling Service" if you choose to lead the service on your own. To schedule an unveiling, please contact the Temple Office at (248) 737-8700.


Observing a Yahrzeit
Yahrzeit reminders are sent to Temple members in advance of the specific Shabbat when the yahrzeit is observed. Clergy will read the name of the departed at the corresponding Shabbat and Minyan services of their yahrzeit. However, if you would like your loved one's name read during a specific Shabbat service that does not correspond to their yahrzeit, please call the Temple office (248-737-8700) for assistance. We are glad to accommodate your request.

Yahrzeit Plaques
We have Yahrzeit/Memorial plaques for purchase to remember your loved ones. To purchase a plaque, please complete this form  or contact the office at 248-737-8700. 

Lifecycle         |        Baby Naming / Brit Milah        |        B'nai Mitzvah        |        Confirmation        |        Weddings        |        Remembering

PHOTO CREDIT: Deanna Spivey

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784